
Warnock & Warnock LLP Blog

Determining personal injury and what you should do

What is personal injury and how does it apply to law? In the simplest of terms, it is an injury done to a person caused by the negligence of another. Personal injury can be done by another person, or a company you work for or patronize. Personal injury law is a branch...

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Why Do I Need a Power of Attorney?

A Durable Power of Attorney is one of the most legal documents that a person needs to protect themselves. This simple document can save you time, money, and even your life. With the increase of medical care and technology, we are living longer than we ever have....

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Divorce in Kentucky – The Basics

Starting with the basics, divorce is the dissolution of a marriage through legal means. It is by no means a simple or easy decision, but Warnock & Warnock can make that process more manageable. There are a number of important things to consider when filing for...

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Be Cautious with Decisions Related to Medicaid

I get the phone call several times a week from clients calling about their family member possibly losing their home or other assets if they go into a nursing home. With life expectancy and high level of medical care, people are living longer and this issue is becoming...

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Five Tips After Being in a Car Accident

There is nothing worse than being in a car accident. You can be the “best” driver in the world and you are not immune from car accidents. The negligent actions of others can make for a lot of stress and unexpected adversity. Here are a few tips if you become a victim...

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