There is nothing worse than being in a car accident. You can be the “best” driver in the world and you are not immune from car accidents. The negligent actions of others can make for a lot of stress and unexpected adversity.
Here are a few tips if you become a victim of someone’s negligent driving:
1. Assess damage and possible injuries
Immediately after a car accident, the first thing to do is check on any injury of yourself or your passengers. If injuries are severe, you should wait until police arrive before you try to get out of the car.
2. Get pictures of the accident
Once the police arrive, let them take care of the information of both drivers as they prepare their reports. If the scene is safe, you should take pictures of the accident and the scene.
3. Talk to accident witnesses
If you see people around who were witnesses, it would be beneficial to get their information if you need to contact them later on during the litigation process.
4. Don’t discuss the accident on social media
If you are seriously injured and file a lawsuit, the attorney for the insurance company may request and be granted access to your social media accounts. It is not the proper forum or method to discuss the car accident and can negatively effect your opportunity to recover from the accident.
5. Contact Warnock & Warnock, LLP
Contact us for experienced car accident representation. If you are involved in a car accident that wasn’t your fault, you may be entitled to compensation for damages and injuries sustained by someone else’s negligence.
Warnock & Warnock, LLP, has years of experience dealing with car accidents and recovery for victims. If you have a car accident and you need help, call Attorney Matthew J. Warnock @ 606.473.HELP (4357).
Related article: Social media mistakes after a car accident